How to find and understand your style

Okay, okay… style. Personal style. Where the F does anyone begin???

There is SO MUCH information on style, fashion, what to wear this and what to wear that. Well trend this, style - style is whatever anyone wants it to be, so long as the person wearing the look feels confident and authentically expressed. 

That said, there is a clear difference between style and fashion. Take it from Tan France, style is “the way an individual expresses themselves through aesthetic choices such as their clothing, accessories, hairstyle, and the way they put an outfit together.” Whereas “Fashion is the dominant style within a given culture at a certain time” - aka, trends. 

Begin with things you already own, like (or love!) and feel confident and authentic in. If you don’t possess those items yet - observe what those you admire wear. Look for commonalities and similarities to help you define what you are seeing. Is everything clean-cut? Earthy? Loud and attention-grabbing? Eccentric and asymmetrical? Quirky and nerdy? 

Next step - start pinning! Or googling, printing, instagramming, or whatever floats your search engine boat. Write down the words you have associated with the “looks” you already enjoy, attach the word “style” and go. See this extensive list of terms associated with style categories I created to help you in your exploration and jump down that rabbit hole! 

Refer to the collection you have made of looks you like and consider it your style vision board. Make a list of 3-5 terms which are associated with most of the looks in your collection and look at that! You have style! Now, when you go shopping, use this list to help you find items and create looks to love and wear with excitement! 

This article from Vetta is similar, but goes a little deeper and is very good! 


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