How to Organize your Closet

… Without going crazy. Closets are overwhelming, right?! Not anymore. 

Take a deep breath, slowly let it out and commit to 2-3 hours of creative transformation.

If you need inspiration to motivate yourself the day before (or week before, month before…), get yourself onto Pinterest, start a new board, title it “closet reno _date_” and start searching for inspiration. I highly recommend also watching at least one episode of “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix and/or reading her book "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up"

What to have on hand:

  • Matching hangers! I suggest these velvet hangers in your favorite color combination (which compliments the color of your closet) and which you can purchase via Amazon or Target, even a Costco or Sams if you have one nearby. 

    • If your closet contains various different kinds of hangers, no shame - you’re not alone. But now you’re leveling up and details matter. You no longer have to live with the clutter of miscellaneous hangers which aren’t good for your clothes, your style or your eyes. 

  • Baskets, bins or bags with which to organize items LEAVING your closet 

    • Take to the tailor, donations, consignments, return to rightful owner, turn into rags/dispose of

  • Baskets, bins or boxes into which to organize items remaining either in your closet or your storage area

    • Keepsakes, off-season items, special occasion (ie. halloween costumes)

  • Snacks and drinks to get you through

  • Music or a good story to keep you confidently pumped up, engaged and moving

Start going through your closet!

  • Plan how you will organize your closet so that you know how much space you have for each category and where to put each item (a limited-sized drawer may help you to slim-down your items if that is part of your desired outcome)

  • As you work, make sure that your items land in their correct bin, pile or space in the closet. If they go back into the closet, change the hanger if needed. If the item goes into a drawer or basket, fold it well and use Marie Kondo’s method if at all possible. 

  • If you need to try on items, set them aside into a special pile to try on at the end - otherwise, it may break your flow to keep changing what you are doing with your focus and energy. 

    • If you cannot decide on an item, take a picture of yourself in it using a mirror or a friend - turning in a slow circle for a video helps, too! Then commit to deciding. 

  • Move on from items which are too small or too big - they only guilt or overwhelm you when you open your closet! Remember how you WANT to feel when you open your closet and put on an outfit for the day.

    • If you just cannot move on from an item which doesn’t currently fit, take it to a tailor or put it in a box or drawer out of your sight, but know that you can retrieve the item if necessary. 

  • Are there any visual finishing touches you would like to take care of at this time? (For example, some like to organize by item and color of item or by creating a week or so of looks and hanging the outfits together in an easy to use place.)

Now celebrate having finished going through items! Glass of wine or Netflix binge or Instagram post anyone?!

If you need or desire further support, help or advice, consider booking my services! First step is to book a complimentary consultation call in order for us to meet and get to know your desired outcome/s! 


How to find and understand your style